Hitting the big 50 – Wormald Fire & Security

Did you know that Guardforce & Wormald is celebrating 50 years of service in Fiji this year? We have been industry leaders since Fiji gained independence in 1970 and we continue to strive and deliver premium services to the people who trust us with security.
Guardforce Fiji services include but not limited to the following:
On-site security, Building and site access control, Executive protection and staff escorts, Control room operation, Frontline concierge and switchboard operation, Retail security to deter shoplifting, Ambassadors for public facilities, Hospital security, Security risk assessment, Security awareness training for staff, Event Personnel – ticket checkers, hospitality staff, ushers, Security at ports of entry, Safe city ambassadors & more.
MAKE AN ENQUIRY. Call us on 7776 219 or 7776 241.